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Few can argue that Antonio Brown is immensely talented. Brown’s best five-year run will hold up against any wide receiver in NFL history. From 2014 to 2018, Antonio Brown averaged 115 receptions, 1,529 yards and 12 touchdowns. Former San Francisco 49er and Hall of Famer, Jerry Rice, delivered his best five-year stretch from 1989 to 1993. During this stretch, he averaged 89 receptions, 1,379 yards and 14 touchdowns. In spite of his production, the Pittsburgh Steelers were happy to see him go. For what amounted to a third-round pick, the Steelers traded the franchise’s greatest receiver in history to the…
Early in my career, I took a call from the top executive in my business. This was an unusual phone call, as he was several rungs up in the corporate hierarchy. After some polite small talk, he quickly got to the point of his call. “We need more sales reps prospecting for new business. Most reps are content with farming existing accounts, which is why we are not growing. Would you agree?” “Uh, yes.” I had a strong opinion on this topic. As a rookie rep, I started with zero accounts and had to fight for every small sale while…
Pictures don’t do it justice. A vein is running along the young hero’s neck. The strap of the sling is hidden along David’s back, out of view of the warrior he is about to face. His right-hand looks as vivid as a high definition photograph. Seeing David at the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy is one experience that lives up to and exceeds lofty expectations. If “God is in the details,” Michelangelo’s masterpiece is near providence. The size of the statue is astonishing. David stands 17 feet tall and weighs over 12,000 pounds, a tribute more fitting to the massive…
I’m listening to my team and growing increasingly irritated. One by one, they list off the reasons we can’t do better. I was still new to my sales manager role, only six months removed from being one of their peers. Most of the challenges they list are questionable. I can’t get anyone to offer up something that is in their control. “Our customers don’t have the budget.” Some were calling on the wrong market segments. “We don’t have the right pricing.” Most were selling on price and not consulting. “Our operations team isn’t delivering.” The sales reps saying this spent…
I am crazy about Dan Carlin’s podcast, “Hardcore History.” I am not a history buff and read minimal military history before finding Carlin’s unique show. From the first episode, I was sold. Carlin has this raspy voice that is unique to anything you hear on TV or radio. His podcasts are graphic and intense, filled with details often left out of history books. The experience is made even more intense in that every episode sounds like he is reading it in a dimly lit basement while smoking unfiltered Marlboro cigarettes. His content is hardcore, indeed. His voice is a perfect…
I nearly accepted an executive role with a big company in Chicago several years ago. I passed through the first round of interviews and enjoyed the time I spent with everyone, including the President who would be my direct manager. I was asked to return to interview with the CEO. I prepared diligently and looked forward to meeting him. Like most people in his position, he was direct and to the point. He wasted no time with pleasantries and dove right into my resume. He was a driver in every sense of the term, asking challenging questions with a brashness…
“Who are the best performers in the company?” I hosted a new hire orientation for years as an executive with a Fortune 500 company. This question came from a college graduate on her first day with our company. Orientations were a great opportunity to meet our fresh faces and share advice on how they could get a fast start. She asked a good question but it was not out of the ordinary. I was often asked some variation of this question. I gave her a few names of people in her office that had impressed me early and often. I…
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